Case Study – Fully Managed Support

How Banstead Community Junior School partnered with Schools ICT to provide comprehensive IT support.

“One of the best changes we have ever made.”

School Business Manager


Banstead Community Junior School faced a significant challenge at the start of 2024:  replacing their long-standing network manager. With their departure imminent, the
school needed a rapid solution.

Requirements included education-focused technical expertise, rapid response times, excellent communication, and reliable on-site and remote support with a proactive approach.


To guarantee uninterrupted IT support, Banstead opted for Schools ICT’s Premier support solution. This comprehensive package provides unlimited onsite visits from a dedicated
technician, unlimited help desk support, and expert guidance on strategic planning and procurement.

Onboarding began immediately. Key technicians were introduced, remote management and help desk software was deployed, and a comprehensive audit and documentation of existing systems, networks, and configurations was undertaken. A health check helped highlight several strategic improvements necessary in the short, medium, and long term.


Strategic Planning

“Over the summer, Schools ICT transformed our school’s infrastructure with a series of critical improvements, culminating in the deployment of a new wireless network and server.”

Customer Focus

“It’s so easy to work with Schools ICT. The whole team and especially our dedicated technician are very approachable and pro-active. We are getting things done!”

Education Experts

“Our whole school is benefitting from Schools ICT’s expert knowledge and guidance. From MIS support and classroom computing to equipment upgrades and disposals.”

About the Customer


Banstead Community Junior School, Surrey


Premier Fully Managed ICT Support


Download the Case Study here

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