Census Preparation

Preparing data for your school’s census return is a time-consuming process. Not only do you have to keep up with demands for new information, you also need to make sure all your pupil data is maintained and kept up to date.

Our service helps you prepare your census return by checking that the information held on your Schools MIS is accurate and complete. We will carry out this check three times per year.

Key Benefits:

  • Full check of your MIS data to make sure it is accurate and complete.
  • Highlight any omissions in your data prior to census date.
  • Produce a dummy return and summary report so you can check it against known school data.

This service is delivered remotely.


  • Full checking of your MIS data to make sure it is accurate and complete
  • Highlighting any omissions in your data prior to census date
  • Producing a dummy return and summary report so you can check it against known school data
  • An integrity check of your school’s MIS data to identify where there is missing information
  • Producing a dummy return and school summary report that you can check against known school data, for example to confirm that special educational needs (SEN) data is up to date
  • The second stage of this service involves updating and adding any extra data and producing a return ready for authorisation.

This service is designed for primary and special schools only and is provided remotely. Secondary schools interested in the service are invited to contact us to discuss your requirements.

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