MIS and FMS Migration

Migrating to a new MIS or FMS provider can be complex. We will be on hand every step of the way to help make the process run as smoothly as possible for you.

Here are some documents and information to help you throughout the process. If you have any queries at any time do not hesitate to contact us at support@schoolsict.services 

Section 1: Pre-Migration

MIS Migration process

What happens when?

The MIS Migration process takes 8 weeks for primary schools and 12 weeks for secondary schools. There are some actions that will need to be carried out by schools at each step. To help you plan this all in, we have created migration timelines for Arbor and Bromcom for both primary and secondary schools.

Arbor Primary 8 week MIS migration timeline

Arbor Secondary 12 week MIS migration timeline

  • Bromcom Primary 8 week MIS migration timeline (coming soon)
  • Bromcom Secondary 16 week MIS migration timeline (coming soon)

Data cleansing for MIS

As part of the migration process you will be asked to cleanse your data. Getting this right first time will mean avoiding any problems further down the line.

We have put a checklist together to help you with this process. Don’t be daunted, a lot of this you may have already completed, depending on how regularly you update your data. There are 11 steps to check off the list.

If you have any questions about this please get in touch with the team. support@schoolsict.services

Data cleansing checklist (updated)

Data cleansing resources (SIMS)

Supporting documents to help with your data cleanse. You will see we have also provided you with some SIMS Data Checking Report Templates to import to SIMS which will provide an opportunity to review and cleanse your data. By clicking on the link below, this will download a Zip file to your downloads folder. Open the Zip file. Then right click on the report template and save to your preferred location on your network. Once in SIMS, go to Reports, Import, locate the previously saved file, and select it, then click on Import. These reports will now be available to run via Reports, Run Reports in SIMS. Some will appear under the Student focus, other will appear under the Contact focus.

Bulk deletion of pupil data

Migration – managing admission groups

SIMS address tidy and merge

SIMS data checking report templates

SIMS separating linked parent and staff records

Data cleansing resources (ScholarPack)

Supporting documents to help with your data cleanse.

Migrating from ScholarPack

Moving from ScholarPack to Arbor – Glossary

ScholarPack Pre-Migration Data Check Guide

Book your MIS training

During migration you will need to complete some training in order to use the system effectively. These sessions will be free during your 8 week migration period, but will be chargeable after this.

Book training

Recommended MIS training

Unsure which training to take? We have put together a list of recommended training for each role within the school. Take a look at our recommendations, but please do book the training that you know is right for your team.

Recommended training

Training recordings (MIS)

We have recorded some of the earlier training sessions, to help those of you who are about to start training. Please take a look.

Recorded training sessions

3rd Party Apps

Before you migrate, you will need to inform your current 3rd party Apps of what is happening and when. There are numerous Apps linked to your MIS system. We  have created a 5 step action list to make this process as smooth as possible.

5 step process

Section 2: Post-Migration

School Crib Sheets (MIS)

We also have some handy crib sheets, many schools have found these helpful. We will add more of these as we receive them.

Teacher Essential Overview crib sheet  

Supply Teacher Guides

Schools ICT has created a YouTube video and a PDF guide to help with adding Supply Teachers.

Video: Adding Supply Teachers

Document: Supply Teachers Guide

Useful Post-Migration Files

How to use the Arbor Roadmap and the recommended process from Arbor for when you to wish to suggest new changes to Arbor functionality.

Permissions spreadsheets for SIMS, Arbor plus ScholarPack user roles and student demographics.

Arbor Roadmap Guide

Arbor Development Roadmap

Arbor Product Roadmap (submit feedback and change requests)

SIMS Permissions Spreadsheet

Arbor Permissions Spreadsheet

ScholarPack User Roles

ScholarPack Student Demographics

Post-Migration Checklist

Please see our guide for recommended processes once you have ‘gone live’ with your Arbor system.

Post-Migration Checklist (updated)

Guide to Arbor Reporting

Arbor Reports

Schools ICT have collated many useful Arbor help articles and report template downloads in one handy guide.

Arbor Report Guide

Here are a few other items you might find useful for MIS migration

Example email from Arbor

If you are migrating to Arbor, they will send you a weekly email. Please look out for this, if you haven’t received it, check your junk folder.

(Example email below, so you know what to look for).

Example Arbor email

2FA Logging In

You can only use 1 device to authenticate your Arbor account. When logging in for the first time, you need to link between the authentication app and MIS.

Arbor have set out instructions for this below.

Logging in (2FA)

Section 3: Secondary Schools

Guide to Edulink

Read this guide to understand the recommended processes for using Edulink and how it works with Arbor.

Edulink Guide

Edulink Video

Schools ICT has created a YouTube video to accompany the guidance.

Setting Up Arbor for use with Edulink

Contact us

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact our team who would be happy to help.


East Sussex County Council: 01273 482519

Brighton & Hove City Council: 01273 293663





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